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Development of climate technology in the transport and energy sectors

Work Meeting

A meeting was held on 22 March 2023 at the Biltmore Hotel. This event was designed to discuss action plans created for the development of climate technology in the transport and energy sectors.

This meeting was organized by the Ministry of Enviromental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and Sustainable Development Center- Remissia. The workshop was conducted within the framework of the project ‘Updating of Georgia’s technology needs assessment through development of a technology road maps for prioritized technologies’, sponsored by the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

At the meeting Mrs. Anna Sikharulidze, Director of the Sustainable Development Center Remissia, reviewed various implemented and ongoing activities and the objectives of the project. She also, presented a list of the priority sectors and of the climate technologies to be considered within these sectors, as identified in the project.

Remissia's experts thereafter offered a presentation of the action plans for the following directions: the spread of climate technologies in the transport sector in Georgia, increasing the production of biofuels in Georgia, and technologies in the energy generation and supply sector.

The guidelines developed by Remissia moreover covered the objectives of the introduction and diffusion of technologies, alongside the barriers they face, and the measures required to overcome them. Furthermore, improving the enabling environment and strengthening the regulatory framework, developing incentive policies to support the relevant sectors, distributing roles and institutionalization among stakeholders, and organizing capacity building programs for individuals working within transport and energy were each also emphasized.


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