Workshop on climate technology needs in the energy sector
The Georgian Ministry of Environment and Agriculture and the Remission Center for Sustainable Development organized a fourth working meeting on 31 March 2022. The event was dedicated to addressing the needs of climate technology; where the participants discussed the needs of such technologies in the energy sector.
The representatives from Remission reviewed the goals of the project, their activities, and finally the expected results. While Marina Shvangiradze, an independent expert, gave a presentation that expanded on the main evaluation criteria for Green Climate Fund projects, the financial mechanisms for project implementation, and their business models.
Remission project expert Archil Kokhtashvili thereafter offered a presentation on the energy sector. He spoke about prioritization in the sector, and its consequences. He moreover thoroughly reviewed the energy sector and climate technologies for both emission reduction and adaptation.
The final part of the meeting was dedicated to group work aimed at identifying necessary climate technologies for the energy sector, discerning their barriers, and discussing ways to eliminate these problems. The participants subsequently developed a list of the required technologies, which will be discussed in greater detail during later stages of the project.