The mission of Sustainable Development Center "Remissia" is to support the Government of Georgia in implementation of the sustainable development principles and efficient conduction of decentralization processes, participation in definition of policies, preparation and implementation of strategies and action plans for different sectors of economy, regions and municipalities.
Promotion the introduction of modern knowledge, analytical methods and models, as well as present-day energy efficient technologies; facilitation the development and marketing of local knowledge and know-how; capacity building of local and national experts, and stakeholders.
While performing this mission „Remissia„ is mainly focused on ecosystems, sectors of economy and regions, particularly vulnerable to climate change or those which are making major contribution to the global processes of Climate Change.
Providing the involvement in the decision making and execution processes and human right protection in its activities are the main principles of "Remissia".


Ana Tkeshelashvili
Marina Svangiradze
Luka Vashakidze

Vanda Iarajuli
David Kuchukhidze
14a Elguja-Amashukeli St,
T'bilisi, Georgia